Friday, November 11, 2016

Irreconcilable Differences: A Valid Reason to See Divorce Lawyers

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve no doubt heard about the bombshell Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt divorce. And like so many other failed Hollywood couples, Jolie cites “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the split. But what exactly does this phrase mean?

Grounds for No-Fault Divorce

In a nutshell, irreconcilable differences means that there are inherent problems in the marriage that cannot be resolved and that there is no hope of the couple reconciling these issues. As divorce lawyers in Virginia Beach will tell you, continuing with the marriage will only inflict suffering on the couple, and filing for divorce may indeed be the best course of action.

Irreconcilable differences are grounds for what people call a no-fault divorce. In such cases, there are no extenuating cases such as adultery that make staying in the marriage untenable. Read more on this article:

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Family Law Attorney Tackles Factors Affecting Child Custody Rulings

A divorce is probably one of the most gut-wrenching episodes a person will experience. Aside from dealing with the emotional burden of divorcing a person you once loved, those who are parents must also grapple with child custody—an even more consternating juncture in the process.

At the heart of every child custody dispute is, of course, the well-being of the kids. In this vein, a judge will examine a number of specific factors before deciding which spouse will serve as the guardian, according to family law attorneys in Newport News, VA.

Living Situation

In a lot of cases, the judge will side with the parent who will keep the family home after the divorce is settled. Allowing the kids to stay in the home they grew up in gives them a greater sense of stability in these emotionally trying times. Read more on this article:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Trusted Family Law Attorney Can Help with Messy Visitation Disputes

In any divorce, it is not just the parents who are put through the ringer. If kids are involved, they, too, must deal with the consequences of a failed marriage.

Before being granted a divorce, one of the arrangements a couple with children must agree upon is visitation rights. After all, while the relationship with the spouse may be over, their duties and roles as a parent still remain.

In general, the parent who retains custody of the children will be granted greater influence on what should be considered “reasonable visitation” by the spouse. Technically, they do not have to agree to a proposed visitation schedule: in an ideal world, the ex-spouses simply agree on their own to a schedule that they both deem reasonable. If the parents cannot agree on this, however, a family law attorney in Virginia Beach may be called upon to step in. Read more on this article:

Monday, November 7, 2016

What a Trusted Divorce Lawyer Might Tell You About Divorce Settlements

When married couples decide to divorce, they also have to divide between them all conjugal properties. As any divorce lawyer in Newport News, VA will tell you, it’s one of the more challenging aspects of a divorce case.

In most cases, discussions about money and assets evoke long-held resentments. This is why a divorce settlement is often necessary to facilitate the proceedings and avoid delays.

Basically, a divorce settlement convenes both spouses and their legal counsels to discuss how to equitably divide their assets. The couple divulges all assets, income sources, budgets, and other financial details to help determine how best to partition their wealth. The output of such a session results in a written agreement: the divorce settlement. Read more on this article:

Friday, October 28, 2016

Adjusting to Life After a Divorce

Ending a marriage may seem like an avalanche of negative events hitting you at once. The financial burden, stress put on the children, and new living arrangements can be too much to take in at one time. Make sure there is light at the end of this tunnel by being well-informed.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ex Violating Custody Agreement? Your Three Options

Your emotional turmoil during a divorce may be understandable, but the court regards this as inexcusable for neglecting your support obligations. You must honor all divorce agreements reached with your spouse.

Custody arrangements are deemed essential by the court and any violation of these terms can result in losing custody or visitation rights. If your ex-spouse continues to violate the agreement, there are measures available to you in the interest of ensuring your children's safety and well-being.

Friday, October 14, 2016

How to Deal with Money Issues in Virginia Divorces

Divorce isn’t only emotionally, physically and mentally taxing; it can also take a toll on your finances. You and your spouse should expect divorce to greatly impact your financial security and overall lifestyles.

Property Division

With divorce comes the division of property you have accumulated throughout your marriage. How to divvy them up depends on the type of properties involved--acquired conjugally or separately. There are two ways to broach this division: either agree amicably on who gets what, or take it to court.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Reliable Divorce Lawyers Discuss the Many Different Types of Divorces

In case you’re decided to file for divorce in Virginia, know that there are very specific laws, policies, and steps that must be followed in order for it to be successfully granted. Your best bet is to hire a Virginia Beach divorce attorney to help you get through the process.

It’s going to be a long and tedious process, so you must make sure to have your wits and bearings about you. Having professional legal counsel is also crucial given how emotional this whole situation is going to be. You’ll need someone objective to help you sort through the issues so that you can settle matters as expediently and as amicably as possible.

Types of Divorces in Virginia Generally, divorces are presumed to require the judgment of the court. People usually think of dramatic face-offs in the courtroom as former couples hurl accusations of physical and emotional pain at each other.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Uncontested Divorces: How an Experienced Divorce Attorney Can Help

Divorces tend to be a messy affair, with both sides throwing accusations of being an unfit partner at each other. There are those instances, however, when the divorce actually has a chance to be settled quickly and amicably.

In Virginia, there is such a thing as uncontested divorces, which, as your family law attorney in Newport News, VA, will explain to you, is the kind of divorce where both parties come to an agreement on all pertinent issues relating to their separation.

Uncontested divorces are ideal for those couples who have no animosity toward each other, but simply have come to a decision that it is best for them to lead separate lives. Because it takes away the need to have the stressful court appointments before the judge, this divorce process is deemed to be a lot faster and efficient.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Talk to a Trusted Family Law Attorney about the Issue of Child Support

More often than not, divorce isn’t just about the separation of the couple, but rather, is also about the welfare of the children. Because the family unit will essentially be disbanded, it could cause some significant instability to the little ones. As you may know, having an intact family is crucial so that a child feels secure, especially during the growing-up years.

Apart from the developmental impact the divorce may have on the children, another crucial aspect that can affect them is the financial support that they will receive. This is particularly of concern if the breadwinner in the family is the one moving out of the family home. In this case, the matter of child support becomes a top priority.

If you are going through a divorce with children involved, it is best that you consult with a family law attorney in Virginia Beach, such as those from McCormick Divorce & Family Law.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Seeking Alimony in a Divorce Case with the Help of Divorce Lawyers

Just because the divorce has been granted doesn’t mean that everything will be automatically settled and the former couple will no longer have to deal with each other. In case there are children from the marriage, there will be custody matters to work out. That’s on top of the alimony that one spouse might be required to pay to the other.

A divorce lawyer in Newport News, VA, is in the best position to help you better understand this particular aspect of the divorce. In the meantime, though, here are some basic facts that could help give you an idea what it is about.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Cruelty Must be Substantiated in Virginia Divorces

When filing for divorce in Virginia family court, spouses have two choices: a no-fault or a fault-ground divorce. The first circumstance is when couples mutually and amicably agree that their marriage must end. On the other hand, fault-ground divorce is when one party accuses the other of “faults” that cause their marriage to crumble. These faults include cruelty.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Virginia Divorce Law: How the Property Is Divided

Now that you and your spouse have decided to live your life separately, it is only right that you get your separate share of significant assets you both have. But deciding who should get what asset can be quite difficult, especially if you have several properties in both names. Moreover, there are assets that must be evaluated to arrive at a monetary value. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Divorce Lawyers Share the Basic Do’s and Don’ts of Dividing Assets

Because it requires documentation and emotional attachment, the division of properties and assets is among the most stressful aspects of a divorce. You and your spouse will have to talk about how to distribute all the properties you gained during the marriage. This isn’t easy, especially if you became attached to the properties.

However, if you and your partner want to make the process easier and less of a hassle, you need to consider the things that should and should not be done.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Make a Joint Custody Plan Work with Help from Family Law Attorneys

Children are the most vulnerable individuals involved in a divorce. They don’t have the means yet to protect and defend themselves from the emotional turmoil wreaked by a split-up, even if you and your spouse will share custody.

Though you and your ex will be able to spend time with the children in a shared custody, it still depends on both of you for the arrangement to work. Your family law attorney can help you keep your child, but you have to work hard to maintain your portion of custody for your child's best interest.

3 Reasons Adultery Matters for Divorce in Virginia

While proving adultery in a Virginia court is undeniably a difficult challenge, many spouses are still filing divorce against their partners using this as the grounds for the split. This may be because the benefits received if you can prove it may exceed the cost of doing so. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Visitation Rights are Attainable with Help from a Family Law Attorney

When it comes to child visitation laws, unmarried couples share some of the challenges married couples have. They both have to prove their capabilities to raise their children. However, if you’re an unmarried father and you and your partner decided to part ways, you won’t have the same level of rights the mother has. Without a marriage, the mother gets the primary or natural right to keep the baby.

This, however, doesn’t mean you can’t be part of your child’s life. Though it may be impossible to win primary physical custody if your ex-girlfriend proves to be a good parent, you can still spend time with your child and help raise them through visitation rights. A family attorney in Virginia Beach can guide you through this.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Avoid Settlement Snags with the Professional Help of a Divorce Lawyer

Discussion on properties, assets, and child custody, among other aspects of a marriage, is what makes a divorce even more stressful. This is why many divorcing couples try to reach a settlement instead of bringing the case to court. This way, they can save time, money, and energy on otherwise going through the long process of a trial.

Divorce lawyers in Newport News can guide you through this process, but you still have to be aware of the actions you should and should not take to protect your rights.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Virginia Divorce Process: 3 Critical Steps to Take

The emotions that come with a divorce can be overwhelming for the family. Dealing with these emotions, thinking about the children and going through the divorce process itself can make you feel helpless. This is, in fact, a common reaction, especially among women. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Legal Preparations for Divorce in Virginia

Divorce is not an easy process especially when there are kids involved. In Virginia, uncontested divorce may take about half a year to resolve. On the other hand, when it’s based on legal grounds, it may take a lot longer depending on how complicated the case is. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Lawyers Talk About Simplifying Your Divorce

By nature, divorce isn’t easy. Luckily for the parties involved, there are a couple of things you can do which may make the whole experience less stressful. Whatever the reason, a divorce decision ought to be made independent of any emotional feelings or attachments. Here are a few tips by expert divorce lawyers in Virginia Beach:

Devote the Time and Energy 

Going through the divorce process is comparable to taking up a second job. You must be aware that you will be spending a huge amount of time and energy gathering the required documents, organizing your finances, meeting with legal professionals, and separating joint stuff. If this is understood from the very beginning and you make the necessary arrangements, your divorce will be less complicated and smoother.

Sort Out Marital Debt First

Debts obtained in both your names before a divorce remain the obligations of both of you even after a divorce. Family creditors are essentially not privy to what your property or separation agreement stipulates. Therefore, in case your ex-spouse does not settle a debt that she or he was responsible for as per the divorce decree, you are still responsible for the outstanding debt. 

Consult your Lawyer before Writing to Spouse 

If you feel obligated to explain your rationale for seeking divorce in a personal letter to your partner, first have your divorce lawyers approve it. The problem is that when writing such types of letters, one spouse may be tempted to soften the divorce impact by assuming a bigger responsibility for the separation. Such letters can easily become the prime ‘Exhibit A’ in the case against you.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Should You Be the First to File for a Divorce?

Marriages get rocky. More often than not, both spouses sense that their marriage is living on borrowed time, and in many instances, each one is privately weighing the option of ending the relationship legally. If that’s the stage your union has reached, you could be wondering whether you might be any better off, both legally and financially, if you filed for divorce ahead of your spouse.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Divorce Lawyers Talk About a Collaborative Divorce

For couples that are ready to part ways, there is a better route that avoids the often acrimonious full-blown court legal system. A collaborative divorce is a unique strategy that is taken by a couple that really desires to avoid the slash-and-burn method that is often taken by divorce. You will still need to have a lawyer for the negotiations and paperwork. Therefore, it is still very important that you select a team of divorce lawyers that you are comfortable with.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Filling No-fault Separation: A Quick Introduction

A no-fault law permits disputing couples to file for divorce without disclosing the reason behind this decision. The Law was first passed in 1918 by the Russian government, before other countries caught on. Here are tips on how to file a no-fault separation as explained by a professional divorce lawyer in Newport News, VA.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

An Experienced Divorce Attorney Discusses Factors that Affect Alimony

When a divorce is filed, one of the biggest points of contention is how to divide properties among spouses. That being said, this isn’t the only sticking point that divorcing couples should be aware of.

Another major factor that holds up a divorce proceeding is the amount of alimony to be paid. If you’re not familiar with the concept of alimony, it is a law designed to protect one spouse against the unfair economic effects a divorce might brings.

For instance, if you were a stay at home mother for the last ten years prior to filing a divorce, you have been financially reliant solely on your spouse’s income. And since you’ve been out of the workforce for a decade, it may be harder for you to find a job and subsequently become self-reliant. An alimony payout will help you during this interim period as you brush up on your skills and attempt to find gainful employment.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Is the Help of a Divorce Attorney Needed for Uncontested Divorces?

Like most people, you probably watched with grim fascination as Sir Paul McCartney’s marriage to Heather Mills disintegrated before the public’s eyes. The couple, who married in 2002 in a lavish $3.2 million wedding in Ireland, had anything but a happily ever after, battling it out in court for over two years in what is deemed as one of the most acrimonious divorces in history. In the end, the former Beatles member had to pay his ex-wife $48.6 million in settlement.

Indeed, the media tends to play up the ugliness of divorce proceedings, but the truth is that most divorces aren’t nearly as drama-filled as this. In fact, statistics show that 95% of divorces are uncontested.

Understanding Uncontested Divorces

According to a family law attorney in Newport News, VA, an uncontested divorce is one wherein both spouses agree on major issues such as parenting responsibilities, division or properties, and spousal support, among other things.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Family Law Attorney Answers the Most Basic Child Support Questions

Divorce is often a difficult process for all parties involved, but especially so when there are children to consider. Both spouses certainly want the best for their offspring, and this involves ensuring that they receive all the care they need until they reach an age when they can care for themselves.

As a parent who is planning to file for divorce or already going through one, you may be wondering how child support will be calculated in your case. Different states have different ways of calculating child support, so a family law attorney in Virginia Beach, VA is essential in answering any questions you may have about this issue, such as:

How is child support determined?

No two families are alike, so each child support agreement is unique. Furthermore, every state has its own laws as to how child support is calculated. In the state of Virginia, there is a standard schedule that is used to determine the amount of child support you will pay or receive.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Understanding Alimony with the Help of an Experienced Divorce Lawyer

When you and your spouse get a divorce, the court may award spousal support, or alimony, to one of you. This is often determined based on an agreement between you and your former spouse, or through a decision by the court.

The purpose of alimony is to mitigate any unfair financial effects of divorce on the spouse who has a lower wage or does not earn at all. For instance, one spouse may have decided to support their family and forgo their career during the marriage. Alimony gives them time they need to develop skills they can use to support themselves. It can also help a spouse maintain the standard of living they had during the marriage.

Are You Entitled to Alimony?

However, not everyone is entitled to receive alimony. Often, it becomes a source of serious disagreement during divorce proceedings. That’s why in many states, the courts examine various factors to determine if a spouse is entitled to this benefit.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Family Law Attorney Discusses Domestic Violence, Divorce, and Custody

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may want to seriously consider divorce and fight for sole child custody. However, in many such cases, it becomes difficult for one spouse to prove the other as guilty due to missing pieces of evidence or testimony by minors (children). Ideally, you will want to drive your case towards divorce and child custody, and not allow the court and your spouse to consider it as a mere domestic violence case.

If you need additional information, below are some tips given by a family law attorney in Newport News, VA:

Keep Records

If you are keeping domestic violence as the basis for your divorce and child custody claim, then the court will take into consideration the legal records of both the spouses. Any history of your spouse involved in similar cases will work to your advantage.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Divorce and Separation: Seeking Help from a Local Family Law Attorney

Divorce and separation are two common terms most people get confused with. Note that according to federal law, there are different kinds of separations, each impacts the couple’s rights differently. In addition, you must also note that every state has its own laws regarding divorce, separation, and property rights.

Your family law attorney in Virginia Beach, VA, will help you understand the specific laws related to the following different types of separation.

Trial Separation

As the name implies, trial separation is when a couple separates for a certain time to decide whether or not they want to continue with the marriage. When a couple is on trial separation, regardless of the tenure, the property and the debts incurred during the period will be considered marital property. Note that trial separation is usually not legally recognized but can be agreed upon by both parties and placed as an agreement.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Divorce Lawyers Identify Top Divorce Blunders with Serious Outcomes

Any divorcing couple knows they are making a life-changing decision. Whether good or bad, the outcome of a divorce greatly depends on how the couple in question behaves and acts in the process. Right decisions have to be made to avoid blunders that might seriously affect the case. Here are some of those blunders.

Getting Pregnant during Divorce

Many divorcing couples are already living separately before they file for a divorce in court, and sometimes with their live-in partners. If the wife gets pregnant with her live-in partner while the divorce proceedings are ongoing, she might lose her right to divorce. This is because the court may assume that the child will likely have no financial support after the divorce is served. Not all courts may have a similar assumption but it is not a risk divorcing spouses should take.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Divorce Lawyers in Virginia Beach on the Route to a Successful Divorce

Divorce is a lengthy ordeal many marriages in Virginia Beach unfortunately end in. Although a lot of divorce cases conclude peacefully, the months and years before filing are almost always nerve-wracking for the divorcing couple. Thankfully, with enough knowledge and preparation, you can successfully overcome this tough challenge. Here are some of the things you need to consider before finally filing for a divorce.

To Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

“Pro Se” is the legal term for “representing yourself.” Just like in most types of cases, you have the option to represent yourself in a divorce case. Meaning, you may choose not to hire a lawyer. While this may seem less expensive and more private, it is not a good option. Introducing your case, presenting evidence, asking questions, and making claims are tasks that require legal expertise, and only experienced divorce lawyers can perform them effectively.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Is an Uncontested Divorce Right For You? Ask a Divorce Attorney First

Contrary to what others may believe, couples filing for divorce don't always have to discuss important issues in court. In fact, they may not even have to appear in court. Such an amicable divorce is also known as an uncontested divorce, and are available to spouses willing and able to work through all the important issues of their divorce.

Not every case of uncontested divorce is the same, though, and not all of them may run smoothly. The process may get complicated once children, properties, and assets are involved. This is why, as a divorce attorney would tell you, ending up with an uncontested divorce would only work only if you and your spouse is willing to do these things.

Monday, July 18, 2016

An Experienced Divorce Attorney Debunks Persistent Myths on Mediation

Though filing for divorce is definitely one of the most difficult decisions a married couple will make during the course of their relationship, matters on your separation doesn't always have to be settled inside the courtroom. Through mediation, both parties can discuss and possibly resolve the issues involved in divorce without suffering much financial damages.

Despite the obvious benefits, however, some couples choose not to consider mediation. Their hesitation mostly comes from numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding this method. When you ask a divorce attorney, however, you can learn the truth behind these persistent myths on mediation.

Mediation is more of a hassle

When you bring your divorce to the court, you will then have to wait for their cumbersome and, at times, expensive process of gathering information and making a decision.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Family Law Attorney on the Most Common Divorce Mistakes to Avoid

Filing for a divorce is a life-changing decision. Unfortunately for some, this depressing and stressful experience can go on for years. This is why issues that can prolong and complicate your case must be avoided at all cost. You can do this by hiring a family law attorney in Newport News, VA and getting ready for the proceedings as best as you can. In the process, you should avoid the following mistakes to ensure the success of your divorce: Making Rushed Decisions Avoid making decisions out of impulse. Don’t file a divorce unless you carefully thought out your course of action and take into account factors that can affect the length and complexity of your case. This is where a good lawyer comes in. Your lawyer can provide legal advice and come up with a plan that would protect your interests throughout the divorce process.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Child Custody Issues Are Best Handled by an Expert Family Law Attorney

A custody battle can be daunting for the divorced parents and the child. It is a case that involves several aspects the court has to consider when choosing where and with whom the children in question will spend their time. The thought of losing custody of your children can be scary and heartbreaking, and this is why you need to understand how the process works and why you need a family law attorney in Virginia Beach, VA to win the battle for you. Factors a Judge Considers in Awarding Custody During child custody proceedings, the judge will always decide based on the best interest of the child. This may include aspects such as living environment, supervision, emotional support, and moral upbringing. When a judge sees that you’re more capable of providing these to your child than your spouse, then you may get full custody.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Divorce Lawyer in Newport News, VA: Financial Mistakes in a Settlement

A divorce settlement refers to the binding legal document that spells out the agreements you and your spouse have in terms of debts and liabilities, division of assets, child custody, and living arrangements, among others. Both your divorce lawyers in Newport News, VA will work to ensure that both of you get what you deserve. However, divorce settlements don’t always go smoothly. There are many hindrances to a fast, amicable agreements, especially when it comes to money. To ensure that there’s no unfair treatment and to avoid conflict that could delay the proceedings, here are some common financial mistakes to avoid: Being Financially Unaware If you don’t handle the finances in your family, it’s time to get all the information you need to avoid being taken advantage of. Being in the dark will be difficult, especially when it comes to assets.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Divorce Lawyers in Virginia Beach Provide a Guide to Facing Divorce

Once you have decided to file for a divorce, you need to prepare for the upcoming proceedings. This is to avoid all the hassles that can make the process more stressful than it already is. It might seem daunting, but getting through the pain and preparing all the necessary documents will make this chapter of your life easier to handle. Here are some tips to follow in getting ready for a divorce: Organize All Documents A lot of information and paperwork will be asked of you once you file for a divorce. So, preparing all of them will save a lot of time and energy. You will need records of your credit cards, bank accounts, titles, mortgages, and bonds, among others. Keeping a list of names, addresses, and contact information would come handy, too.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Newport News Divorce Attorney: An Uncontested Divorce in a Nutshell

Divorce doesn’t always have to be messy. If you and your spouse can reach a mutual decision as to how to go your separate ways, you can file for an uncontested divorce. This type of divorce is the one that doesn’t require the spouses to go to trial. From the name itself, uncontested divorce pertains to the lack of disputes or disagreements between the spouses. When you file for this, it means that you and your spouse are able to settle your differences without a judge’s presence. An uncontested divorce can also be granted if one of the spouses files for the divorce that the other one wasn’t able to respond to formally. Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce One of the major benefits of an uncontested divorce is affordability. Compared to other proceedings that require you and your spouse to stand before the court.

Top Three Reasons for Hiring a Divorce Attorney from Virginia Beach

A divorce is not a simple case to file. You may work on it yourself, but the time and energy it would require of you would not be worth it. Also, it involves several laws that you may not even fully understand. Given all this, it’s best to hire a Virginia Beach divorce attorney to handle your divorce from filing to legal proceedings. This way, you can focus more on yourself and your family while going through this difficult time. Here are three reasons why hiring a lawyer can help you: You Need Professional Advice There are state laws involving assets and support you may not be aware of, and going through the divorce alone may be confusing. This is why you need someone who understands all the rules and regulations governing divorce.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Seek Professional Help from a Family Law Attorney When Getting Divorce

Deciding to separate ways with your spouse is by no means an easy task. There are a lot of other factors and variables that must be taken into account whenever a married couple decides to divorce, the most important of which would be the arrangement for child custody. It can be a hotly contested topic, too, considering that both parents would want to stake claim over their children. However, as much as it would be beneficial for the kids to just have both mom and dad co-parent, this scenario simply is not possible for all cases.

Get Help from Divorce Attorneys Concerning Child Custody in a Divorce

Divorce is a hard ordeal for the couple, especially if there are children involved and both parents are fighting for custody. Retaining the best divorce attorney Newport News VA can be beneficial in getting the court’s final say on how child custody is awarded. Divorce attorneys can help you fight for custody of your children and can explain in detail how the court usually determines child custody after taking certain key factors into consideration.

Why Separating Spouses in Virginia Should Both Use a Divorce Lawyer

A divorce is always a decision that requires a lot of careful thought. For many, concerns about possible legal costs motivate them to handle their divorce without a lawyer. However, there are several good advantages to using a lawyer when you decide to file for divorce. Separation May Require Legal Help Although Virginia does not grant legal separations, living apart from each other may be among the criteria used for a divorce. One of the advantages of getting a lawyer is being able to have a separation agreement. You can use a separation agreement to stipulate certain terms regarding the division of property and other important matters.

Looking to Get a Divorce? Get in Touch with Divorce Lawyers ASAP

Divorce is more prevalent in Virginia Beach these days than ever before, and try as you might, not all marriages end with “happily ever after.” If you have found that you and your spouse are facing divorce, you must work with divorce lawyers in Virginia Beach as soon as possible. Here are some of the things they can help you with: An Attorney is an Objective Party When you are going through a divorce, there can be a lot of hard feelings on both sides, and these feelings can cause you to say and do things that you might not mean. Divorce lawyers in Virginia Beach serve as objective parties during divorce proceedings, and they are trained to handle these situations in both an objective and fair manner.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Advice from Divorce Attorneys: Mediating vs. Litigating Your Divorce

A divorce can be a tough time for couples, especially when they have property to divide, child custody to discern, alimony to work out and various other complicated issues between them. There are two primary methods used to work out all these concerns in a divorce: mediation and litigation. Mediation is the process where each party sits down with an unbiased third party to calmly work out the terms of their divorce, whereas litigation usually involves divorce attorneys and days in court. Determining whether you should mediate or litigate your divorce depends upon various factors.